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Iteration 3 focuses on the exponential clusters and growth to transfer the view around the fragment. Particularly, I wanted each view the user looked at to be different from the other, each at a different stage of growth.


From Iteration 2, I further explored the concept of a directional curve, but adding a clustered element to it.

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The matrix key components are the 2 ideas of growth. One was the Step, which would scale the geometry from small to large in a curve. The second was the clustering, where geometry was replicated but in different scales around each existing geometry of the curve.

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These large pieces of geometry may be too large and interfere with the movement around the design.

Key Features

The use of clusters and growth produces a small to large growth pattern. This redirects the view around the structure as eye will follow this pattern.

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Curved growth pattern that wraps around the structure

Canopy does not cover full 50 x 50 area.

The anglular shapes on this growth canopy will direct the light in different ways throughout the space. They also offer functional areas such as seating if the structure is rotated.

The intersection and joining of shapes create a sense of cohesiveness. Both ends of the growth are joined together to the base structures - continuity.

Final Model
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