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For Task B, I chose the XZ Waffle as the more effective waffle for Iteration 1. Through the process I wanted to manage to create a structure that simultaneously contributed to addressing the limitations identified with Iteration 1 while maintaining stability in the supports.


Moreover, due to the thinness of the supports I endeavored to create a waffle could still capture the overall form, as they were necessary to fully experience openings in the wall.


This Task B matrix includes both Radial and XZ Waffle. 

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Radial Waffle
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Creates more lightweight canopy, reducing heavy mass of the large overhang.

The horizontal orientation of the waffle allows people to walk underneath the structure. 

Cantilevered waffles can be suitable for seating areas.
Integrated with the ground plane, creates the effect of gradually appearing out from the ground to create an even more distinct directionality.

Some waffles only have one connection. This can create some instability in the design, especially for large surfaces.


I believe the curves are captured nicely using the radial waffle. The hardness of the geometry from it's base structure (before Twist) has somewhat lost. 

XZ Waffle
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Light is able to be distributed greater within the 4 zones below. Walls are now more porous yet still stable through the gridded structure. The choice of Polypropylene, allows sunlight to enter despite the Z plane waffles, which would cast shade if it was a non transparent material.

Waffles follow diagonal shape and edges of structure to produce unified design.

Use of the Z plane waffles fixes the limitation of no space. These horizontal planes allow for affordances such as seating and stepping areas, allowing more people into the space.

Z Plane waffles create a better distribution of weight and a structural stability by making the canopy lighter.

The smooth arches of the interior are nicely captured by the waffles.

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At a 5-6m high scale, there is still potential for seating, but is not as suitable. Stepping up onto the structure is still comfortable. This scale retains the re direction through eye level openings.

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At a very large pavilion scale, stepping and seating is very comfortable for the use.However, the scale will reduce the effectiveness of the redirection, although by making the waffle follow the geometry direction the circulation may still be achieved.

Nesting Process

For the ZX Waffle, the material of 0.6mm Polypropylene was chosen. As such, the nesting template had to be constrained to a 600 x 600 area, however, all pieces were able to fit with maximum efficiency through rotation and placing all small geometry such as triangles within the larger geometry spaces.

Additional Imagery
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When looking to create a lighter structure, I found inspiration in Sou Fujimoto's Serpentine Pavilion in 2013. The horizontal and vertical lines were resembled the effect I aspired to achieve but in surfaces. I believe I was successful in doing so, particularly with the contour graduation, which increased the spacing between contours.


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