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Subject: Studio Alpha
Year: Year 1


In response to the global pandemic Covid19, ‘CONNECT’ is a sustainable modular seating unit designed to combat loneliness while regulating safe social interactions. It can accommodate up 4 people who can safely interact while simultaneously being separated through the necessary 1.5m distance. It has been sustainably designed to incorporate the existing seating in Mitcham Plaza, and be easily replicated in other public outdoor spaces.


The original seating arrangement will be changed create a to create a diagonal framework that is more well accommodated for conversation.

The necessary 1.5 m distance is maintained between each seat, each angled so the user’s full body is still in view to maintain conversation engagement.


The overhead structure is constructed from a single, continuous aluminium skin, a material which is least viable for the virus to survive. Battens create a partial screen to allow users to maintain a visual continuity while still providing the same shading effect that would be created with a solid plane.

Differing angles of the planes ensure the unit is flexible to be personalised by multiple individuals. High overhead planes promote social interaction, while other single benches with lower heights can be used for more private personal use.

Site Analysis 

Site analysis was conducted of Mitcham Shopping Plaza, analysing pedestrian circulation, density, crowding and the effect of weather conditions. Additional sketches demonstrate the typical route of a pedestrian who travels to the plaza and the analysis of points of rest, common areas of social gathering and 

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